Monday, October 31, 2011

While Exporting you are getting more records

Ques: While exporting we are getting more records than expected.
Ans:We got a Defect today , we are getting more records while exporting.In List applet we are having 27 records but while doing export we are getting much more than that.

So how to Resolve??
So what we found is , we have written a Script on Applet Load and that is Named Search Spec which is causing that issue.
So as per as our requirement we can't remove that as well.So how to resolve Export issue.
So to resolve this we need to write a Script on Applet_PreInvoke
Here is the Script:

function WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName){ if (MethodName == "ExportQuery") { this.BusComp().SetNamedSearch("Activties", "") this.BusComp().SetSearchExpr("[Category] = LookupValue('TODO_TYPE', 'Document')"); } return (ContinueOperation);}

Note: The Named Search spec should be same as of Which we have in Applet Load.
if the applet Load is having other search criteria then we need to include the same in the script of PreInvoke

Issue Resolved :)
Happy Learning